True Love
In cozy bed I slumber.
Scared cries reach my ear
"Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!”
Called out in dreaming fear.
Which baby is it crying?
I go in search to see
And find in nursery sleeping
Not one wee babe, but three.
The two-year-old is stirring.
I stroke her tussled hair
And take note of the place they sleep
Built with such love and care.
My father knows our family.
He saw specific need
And built this bed for our girls
With skill and love and speed.
Now all round Dad’s creation,
The room, the door, the hall,
I see more blessings tailored
By the Father of us all.
He too saw the specifics.
He knew our thoughts and cares.
He listened and was mindful
As we came to Him in prayer.
With a father’s love He drafted
The blessings He would give,
Just like a bed for babies,
A home for us to live.
I cannot doubt their love for me
It’s in each small detail.
I see through Dad’s example
That Father’s
love is real.
May Chapman
Sept 23, 2014